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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Tips. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 27 mai 2015

mercredi 13 mai 2015

5 Great Weight Loss Tips for Women

Tired of the potions, pills and diet fads that do not work? These five weight loss tips for women only require a little common sense and get you well on the way to lasting weight loss. They are quick, easy and safe to follow. Best of all, if you teach these basics to your kids, nobody will ever be caught in the yo-yo diet trap. So, here we go.

dimanche 12 avril 2015

How To Have A Flat Stomach

How To Have A Flat Stomach
It's really possible to lose inches off your middle without taking diet pills, going on fad diets or using other unnatural, confusing and pricey methods. If you're wondering how to have a flat stomach simply, rapidly and naturally, the following three bits of advice should help you obtain the ideal body quickly:

High Intensity Versus Low Intensity - Substitute higher intensity workouts for those of lower intensity. In other words, rather than walking on the treadmill, try sprinting, boxing, sports like basketball, tennis, racquetball, H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training), etc. High intensity workouts burn off six times the amount of fat that lower intensity steady state workouts do. As an added bonus, your R.M.R. (resting metabolic rate) will increase. That means that fat will melt away... without even moving!

Correct Nutrition and the Metabolism - First of all, I suggest you stay away from fad diets (low carb, low calorie, etc.). That type of eating plan isn't healthy, natural or effective. To make sure you obtain that flat stomach rapidly, you have to give your body all types of nutrients.

So, if you do certain methods (like calorie shifting) based on increasing your metabolism with good nutrition, you'll burn inches of fat a lot quicker and more easily. Can you believe it? To achieve optimal fat loss, you simply need to eat the right way!

If you want to be successful, shifting calories is really effective. Using this method, the pattern of the sorts of nutrients that you consume during the day will be varied. That will confound your metabolism so that it shoots to the maximum peak! What is the explanation? The reason this occurs is that our systems modify metabolic rate according to food intake. You can really boost your metabolic rate by interrupting or shifting this pattern!

Total Consistency - Yes, you have heard this before, I am sure. You must be consistent with your diet in order to produce results. Do you know the 'secret'? Staying on track is the real trick to shedding pounds of that hard-to-lose fat in record time - plus you'll find it simpler to stay on track! If you have doubts, just try being totally consistent with your diet and exercise plan for one week and see what the result is!

Finally, if you're trying to find out how to have a flat stomach, these 3 steps listed above will assuredly get you astounding results. They helped get me in shape in 8 weeks (I lost 50 pounds, plus I flattened my stomach), and I'll bet they will work well for you too.

mercredi 8 avril 2015

Get Rid of Belly Fat – Combining Diet and Exercise

In today’s fast food age where food, oil, and fat are common words encounter at the dining table, shedding that excess weight can be quite a pain. Belly fat can build up without you noticing and soon enough you begin to worry on how to lose belly fat just in time for your best friends wedding next month or on how to make that shirt fit on you (which just miraculously grew small?)- A shirt which was given to you as a gift just last week.

mardi 31 mars 2015

7 Tips to a Flat Stomach in 7 Days (VIDEO)

samedi 14 mars 2015

12 Tips on How to Lose Tummy Fat Naturally

Boosting your metabolism will help you lose tummy fat because your body will burn more calories and store less as fat. You not only lose fat in the abdominal area, but all over your body, which is even better. When it comes to losing tummy fat, there are three main areas that should be looked at: diet, exercise and lifestyle. All three play a role in how much fat you store, what kind of fat you store and how fast you burn off the fat. The more that you use of the dozen tips shared below, the healthier you will be and the belly fat will simply melt away.
Tip #1 - Eat fiber-rich foods. People who consume 10 or more grams of soluble fiber daily store less visceral fat than those who don't eat a fiber-rich diet. Visceral fat is the bad fat that can contribute to cancer and other nasty illnesses. Another benefit to a fiber-rich diet is that you are satisfied longer as fiber is more difficult for the body to digest.
Tip #2 - Watch the "diet" food labels. You see people all the time who complain that they can't seem to lose weight or that they can't seem to lose tummy fat. They'll tell you that all they eat are diet foods and that's the answer to why they can't lose the belly. What they don't realize is that those so-called diet foods are very often doctored up with extra sugars, extra sodium or other additives to make them taste better. Plus, be sure to compare the labels between a "diet" product and a "regular" product. The rules are rather lax in this area so very often you'll find a very small difference between the two.
Tip #3 - Don't avoid carbs. Avoid high glycemic index (GI) carbs instead. Carbohydrates come in two types: complex and simple. Simple carbs are those with a high GI which simply means they break down into sugars very rapidly. Most simple carbs have very little nutritive value beyond the sugars. Low GI carbs, or complex carbs, are the ones that take the body some time and effort to process. Whole grains are one of the most commonly thought of complex carbs. These are excellent foods to help you lose tummy fat because they are also fiber-rich (see tip #1).
Tip #4 - Get rid of the junk food. Junk food is anything that does not have much nutritive value like potato chips (no, they do NOT count as a vegetable), cookies, pastries or candy bars. By the way, "diet" junk food is still junk. Just because they reduced the calories a bit or cut out some of the fat, a diet candy bar still doesn't have any worthwhile nutrition in it. Snack on naturally sweet fruits or crisp vegetables, instead.
Tip #5 - Build lean muscle mass all over. What most people don't realize is that your body's tissues do not burn calories or fat equally. Muscle tissue is the powerhouse of the body, requiring more energy to work than any other tissue in the body. That means that lean muscle burns more fat and calories than anything else does. Logically, the more lean muscle a person has, the more calories they will burn at all times. By building muscle mass, you are actually increasing your metabolic rate so that every activity requires more energy and therefore automatically helps you lose tummy fat (and any other fat).
Tip #6 - Aerobic exercise is a must. Studies have proven that aerobics burn more of the bad tummy fat than other types of exercise. Aerobic exercise is any exercise that uses the large muscle groups and can be done continuously. This usually means rhythmic exercises, where movements are repeated over and over, such as walking, swimming or biking. Another important aspect of aerobic exercise is that it must cause your heart and lungs to work harder so it is also good for your cardiovascular system.
Tip #7 - Spot exercises don't burn belly fat. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you can do hundreds of crunches and tons of sit-ups but that isn't how to lose tummy fat. Not that those exercises are bad for you, because they do burn calories and tone the muscles, but don't be fooled into thinking they will help you lose tummy fat and end up with a six-pack.
Tip #8 - Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water daily. You should be drinking the equivalent of 64 oz of water every single day in order for you body to work at peak and your metabolism to be as efficient as possible. Juices and any clear liquid counts towards this amount; milk or caffeinated beverages like coffee do not count.
Tip #9 - Get adequate sleep but don't overdo it. If you get five hours or less sleep on average per day, you are damaging your body's ability to dispel or burn visceral fat. Remember, visceral fat is the bad fat that gets stored around your organs which are almost all where? In your belly area. Sleeping too much can be just as bad. Ideally you should feel rested after 7-8 hours sleep per night.
Tip #10 - Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption. Drinking too frequently or too much makes the body store fat in the belly. Now you know why they call it a beer belly!
Tip #11 - Reduce stress in your life. Research has shown that stress releases a hormone called cortisol into the body. This hormone tells the brain to store fat in the abdominal region. So when you are stressed out all the time, you are actually creating tummy fat! Reduce stress by easing back on the pressure of everyday life or learn some relaxation techniques. Many people also find meditation helpful at reducing stress.
Tip #12 - Supplements don't target tummy fat and can be dangerous. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You see the commercials for some of these products and they make it sound like your tummy fat will go away like magic when you take a pill. Sad to say, it just doesn't work that way. Any pill will be dissolved in the digestive system and get distributed throughout your body, not staying in a particular area of the body.

jeudi 26 février 2015

7 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss for Life!

7 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss for Life!

samedi 21 février 2015

What Are the Best Work Out Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast?

So many people search and wonder if there are better and easier ways to lose belly fat. What sort of exercises to lose tummy fat should you be doing, and should you avoid?
So, first the bad news about losing tummy fat.
Fat can’t be lost in isolated areas i.e. you can’t spot treat or specifically lose tummy or thigh fat.  But you can build up the underlying muscle tissue while maintaining an aerobic routine to dramatically speed up the progress.  But some fat loss exercises are better than others.  And you definitely don’t need to buy the hottest ‘fat abdominizer for three easy payments’ to see good results.
One of the greatest thing about reducing tummy fat is that abdominal work outs can be done every day.  Using exercises to lose fat fast, you need to keep these consistent, that is- if you start a program, see it through and keep at it- be sure to include this in your overall fat-burning plan for best results.
“I know, I know that this seems old school or too painful but that’s what the media wants to brain wash us with so we buy their new ab workout gizmo for 4 easy payments.   This isn’t easy to start.  Ab exercises do get easier and you will start seeing better ab definition as you get more proficient and begin losing weight.
What Are the Best Work Out Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast?•The Rectus Abdominis Belly Flattener
Find a nice, clear and soft surface where you can lay down. Lay on your back, bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor- it’s best to keep your knees and your feet with a space about the same width of your hips.
Put your hands behind your head, much like you’re doing crunches, but be sure your elbows cannot be seen by you. Tuck your chin to your chest and continue to curl your body forward and upward so that your shoulder-blades, neck and head come off the floor.
Hold that pose for three to four counts and then, repeat.
Continue to repeat this as you feel comfortable, but remember- no seeing your elbows. If you can see your elbows, you will lessen the effectiveness of the work out.
•Isometric Crunches
Taking a deep breath, let a breath out- and then suck in your stomach. Hold this for ten seconds, release, relax and breath deeply. Continue to do this and as you do so, imagine you’re pushing your naval into your back. This is a great one because you can do it anywhere- so, long waits in doctor’s offices and the like can be opportunities for you to work on exercises to lose tummy fat.
• Flat Tummy for Beginners
What Are the Best Work Out Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast?If you’re just getting started on reducing tummy fat, you may find that some of the work outs can be intense. One thing that I have seen a great deal of success with, is the beginner tummy flattener sit up.

In a seated position on the floor, knees bent, put your feet flat on the floor under a heavy chair or something to stabilize them. You can always have a partner hold your feet.
With your hands behind your head begin to roll your head forward- move your shoulders with this movement. Lean back gently, but keep your head and shoulders as they are.
Now, simply hold this position as long as you can- even if your muscles are shaking, try to hold this at least 5 seconds. Slowly pull yourself back into that initial seated position, and repeat several times.
These are just a couple of the exercises to lose tummy fat that you can try. Bringing these into a strong, overall work out plan involving full body cardio is best and really balancing your program for losing tummy fat will help you to reach your goals.