mercredi 13 mai 2015

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5 Great Weight Loss Tips for Women

Tired of the potions, pills and diet fads that do not work? These five weight loss tips for women only require a little common sense and get you well on the way to lasting weight loss. They are quick, easy and safe to follow. Best of all, if you teach these basics to your kids, nobody will ever be caught in the yo-yo diet trap. So, here we go.

1. Never, never skip breakfast!

Remember that your body has a whole night without food, or anything to rev up your metabolism. Your body will not be able to efficiently burn fat, if not fed. Even if you just grab a handful of raw nuts and some yogurt on your way out the door, just make sure you eat something! If you do not eat breakfast, you are almost sure to binge later in the day because you will be hungry. This is the most important of the weight loss tips for women.

2. Have an early cutoff time at night.

Refuse to eat about 3 hours before bed. Stick to this rule in any way. If necessary, distract yourself. Participate in a hobby. Walk. Anything to prevent yourself from mindlessly stuffing your face in front of the television. This is one of the tips that pay off big time if you stick to it. Put a notice in the fridge, saying: “Out Of Bounds after 7:00″, or something that you stop you from opening again for a snack. If you need something, try a piece of fruit or celery / carrot.

3. Brush your teeth!

At the moment, if you become aware of the desire to eat- grab your toothbrush! Yes, I’m not kidding! Nothing chases away the craving like a fresh, minty taste in the mouth. This is a super-simple way to take away the desire for something sweet.

4. Use smaller plates.

We all fill our plates to the brim and taught to eat every last bite- after all, weren’t we taught not to waste food? Using a smaller plate, you can still fill your plate, and eat everything on it, while losing weight.

5. MOVE!

Any exercise will boost your metabolism, helping you to burn that fat in a faster clip. Go to bike rides with the kids, or walk the dog. Ask a partner to go dancing, or listen to something with a beat and move your hips while doing housework. Of course, if you can work with weights and build muscle, the results will be impressive! This is the fastest way to change the shape and the results can easily be long term, if you follow a consistent program.
The secret to losing weight that we should aim for is to burn more calories during the day than you eat. That’s it. There is no other secret formula. No wonder pills. Just get your mind around that simple sentence and follow through on it, you’ll be well on your way to the figure you desire!

Is 5 Weight Loss Tips For Women Enough? BONUS—

5 More Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips for Women

  1. Drink enough water. If you feel hungry, drink water. Often we eat, when in fact are only thirsty.
  2. Cut out all sugar-laden sodas. Instead use water, herbal teas, diluted fruit juice, or your own freshly made vegetable juice. If you need a new juicing recipes, I always recommend “Juice Suggester”, David Alan’s excellent program.
  3. Eat slowly. It takes up to 20 minutes for your body to signal that the stomach is full.
  4. Remove “diet” from the vocabulary. Learn about food, start to read the labels, and design a healthy menu for you and your family. One you will WANT to follow for life.
  5. Search the Internet for a lower calorie substitute to your favorite dishes. You will be surprised what you will discover, and how easy it is to save calories without starving yourself.
Sounds feasible? Of course! Use these 5 weight loss tips women, as a starting point, then forget about the other advice that does not work. It’s time to listen to what common sense dictates and achieve those goals!

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